14th November
08:30 – 09:30
Oral Session XXVIII, XXIX and XXX
Click HERE to view the preliminary schedule of ORAL sessions
09:30 – 10:30
Keynote Presentation E
"Guide to decentralized management of sewage systems for developing countries"
Speaker: Günter Langergraber - Boku University
Moderator: Paula Loureiro Paulo - Federal University of Mato Grasso do Sul

10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:30
Roundtable Discussion G
"Financing mechanisms and modeling for smart environmental sanitation"
Rogerio de Paula Barbosa - French Development Agency
Pawel Zawartka - Central Mining Institute
Sávia Gavazza dos Santos - Brazilian Ministry of Finance
Thais Lobato de Mello - IFC
Gesner Oliveira - Goassociados
Roundtable Discussion H
"Young leaders: driving the sustainable universalization of water and sanitation services in small municipalities with resource recovery"
Devi Bühler - Zurich University of Applied Sciences/Ghent University
Juliana Mattos Bohrer Santos - Brandt
Thiago Bressani - CRETES
Luan Oliveira - ABES
Rayssa Vogeler Berquó Jacob - ABES
Roundtable Discussion I
"Unlocking the secrets of sewage: towards One Health"
Cesar Rossas Mota Filho - Federal University of Minas Gerais
Verónica Beatriz Rajal - University of Salta
Cristian Antonio Rojas - Federal University for Latin American Integration (UNILA)
Ramiro Gonçalvez Etchepare - Federal University of Paraná
12:30 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:00
Oral Session XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII
Click HERE to view the preliminary schedule of ORAL sessions
15:00 – 16:00
Keynote Presentation F
"Climate lenses: challenges, risks and opportunities in carbon redirection"
Speaker: Florent Chazarenc - INRAE
Moderator: Darja Istenič - University of Ljubljana

16:00 – 17:30
Roundtable Discussion J
"Key takeaways and future directions: enhancing small water and wastewater systems based on resource-oriented sanitation"
Daniel Nolasco - NOLASCO & Assoc.
Luana Siewert Pretto - Trata Brasil
Marcelo Kenji Miki - Sabesp
Karen Juliana do Amaral - Federal University of Paraná,
Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti - Sanepar
17:30 – 18:00
Closing Session
Inga Herrmann - Luleå University of Technology,
Günter Langergraber - Boku University,
Karen Juliana do Amaral - Federal University of Paraná,
Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti - Sanepar