Call for Abstracts
> Call for abstracts
Abstract submission
Submitting an abstract for the 17th IWA SWWS and 9th IWA ROS Conferences gives you an opportunity to present your work to a global audience and the opportunity of publishing an extended version in a leading international peer-reviewed journal. The Conferences technical programme will consist of oral presentations, poster presentations and technical tours*.
*All Technical Tours are paid separately and are not included in the subscription/participation fee
Oral presentations
Authors who would like to have their abstracts considered for an oral presentation are asked to submit an abstract up to 3 pages (including references). Presentations will be approximately 15 minutes, with around 5 minutes allocated for questions.
Poster presentations
Authors who would like to have their abstracts considered for poster presentation will be required to submit up to 3 pages abstract (including references). A poster template will be made available on the conference website in due time. Outline Poster Template (soon)
Abstract submission consists of two mandatory steps:
Step 1: Microsoft Word file upload, in template formatting, according to the instructions.
Step 2: Filling the system template information boxes, according to their appearance order.
Steps 1 and 2 must be concluded in order so that the abstract may be considered submitted.
The author must fill in a registration in the abstract submission system (link here), containing each author’s: name, CPF or passport number, e-mail, cell phone number, nationality, and institution. All co-authors registration is mandatory.
Abstract Format: Final abstract Template
Important Dates for Abstract Submission
Registration open: Dec., 2023.
Call for abstracts open: Dec., 2023.
Deadline for abstract submission: Extended to 31st May, 2024
Author notification: 16th Aug., 2024.
Updated abstract submission deadline*: 30th Sept., 2024.
Early bird registration deadline: 30th Sept., 2024.
Regular registration deadline: Nov., 2024.
On-site registration fee applied: Starting from September 20th.
Conferences week: 10th - 14th Nov., 2024.
* Authors are invited to upload an updated abstract version into the system, if there are suggestions from the Scientific Committee. The best abstracts will be invited for publication in IWA journals.
Abstract must only be submitted in English.
Abstract submission is exclusively through the event's website. E-mail or any other kind of submission will not be accepted.
Authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts, as they will appear as they are without editing by the organizers.
Presenting author of an accepted abstract MUST register and complete the full payment prior to 23:59, Aug 15, 2024 (GMT+8), to be included in the program of IWA 17th SWWS and 9th ROS Conferences.
After registration, the submission procedure is done through the link:
Please comply with the deadline regarding the abstract submission.
Should you require revising your abstract after submission, please contact IWA SWWS ROS 2024 Conferences Secretariat (CONTACT US).
After the updated abstract submission deadline, authors cannot make any change to the submitted abstracts.
Published abstracts are prohibited submitting to IWA 17th SWWS and 9th ROS Conferences.
Abstract Format: Final abstract Template
Best abstracts and presentations’ authors (graded for example by session chair) will be invited to publish a full paper in IWA Journals in a special edition.
Abstracts may be submitted to one of the themes listed below or submitted to a symposium based on the authors’ choices. The scientific committee will evaluate the submitted abstracts and allocate the selected submissions based on the same criteria.
Main Themes of 17th IWA SWWS
and 9th IWA ROS Conferences
Case studies of small water and wastewater systems
Resource-oriented sanitation solutions
Energy efficiency in small water and wastewater systems
Small scale and decentralized wastewater treatment and management systems
Eco-solutions for wastewater treatment
Management of sludge from small water and wastewater systems
Non-sewered systems
Monitoring and removal of emerging contaminants and pathogens
Monitoring of water bodies
Nutrients removal and recovery in source-separation systems
Pathogen fate and removal in water and wastewater systems
Sanitation solutions for rural communities
Biogas management and energy recovery
Odour control and carbon neutrality in wastewater systems
Sludge treatment and reuse
Water reuse (rain water harvesting, use of treated wastewater etc.)
Management and planning tools (LCA, risk assessment, etc.)
Social aspects, environmental policies and regulations
Innovation, education, training and certification
Environmental microbiology and population dynamics
Process modelling
Wastewater-based epidemiology
Condition of Presenting
Each abstract might have up to 5 authors, being 1 (one) the main author and the other 4 (four) co-authors.
One of the authors must be assigned as presenter, he or she will be responsible for the submission fee payment in the session “Abstract Author” validating up to 3 accepted abstracts.
It is possible to be the presenter in up to 3 (three) abstracts. There is no co-author participation limit.
Up to 3 (three) abstracts will be accepted per presenter registration. Those who have already achieved the maximum number can only be listed as co-authors in other abstracts.
The presentation must be done by the one indicated in the abstract submission. Should the presenter not be able to attend the event, any co-author may present as long as he or she is registered in the Conferences.
All produced material regarding the abstracts (annals, certificates, among others) will be author’s submitted information accurate reproduction. Therefore, it is not possible to alter the title, abstract, or authors after the submission deadline. We emphasize that provided information is the submitting author’s full responsibility.
Abstract submission represents the author(s) commitment to presenting abstracts, if accepted, during the events.
Should you require revising your abstract aftersubmission, please contact IWA 17th SWWS and 9th ROS Conferences Secretariat by
Copyright & Legal Obligation
All information in the abstract submission, including authors’ names, affiliations, authors’ order of listing, and the content of the abstract, will be used in the Conference publications.
It is recommended that the contributor checks every column carefully before submitting the abstract.
The contributor carries legal obligations of the abstract; any violation of a third party’s right will be the responsibility of the contributor him/herself.
IWA 17th SWWS and 9th ROS Conferences have the copyright to use the abstract in the Conference for scientific purposes without any prior notice to the contributor/authors.
Conferences Language
The official language in the conference will be English. There will be oral and poster presentations, with a digital book of abstracts available for download from the conference website.
Upcoming Deadlines
Call for abstracts open
December 2023
Registration open
December 2023
Deadline for abstract submission
31st May 2024
Author’s notification
16th Aug., 2024
Updated abstract submission deadline*
30th Sept., 2024
Early bird registration deadline
30th Sept., 2024
Regular registration deadline
Nov., 2024
On-site registration fee applied
Starting from September 20th
Conferences week
10th - 14th Nov., 2024
*Authors are invited to upload an updated abstract version into the system, if there are suggestions from the Scientific Committee. The best papers will be invited for publication in IWA journals.