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Event Committees

> Event Committees


Worldwide team


The organizers are present in over 15 different countries. Don't miss the opportunity to make a difference in this globally-reaching and relevant event.

Organising Committee

Karen Amaral

Karen Juliana do Amaral (chair)

Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES-PR) /
Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil.

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Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti (chair)

Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES) / Water and Sanitation Company of Paraná State (Sanepar), Brazil.


Inga Herrmann

Chairman of the IWA’s Specialist Group for Small Water and Wastewater Systems

Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.


Günter Langergraber

Chairman of the IWA’s Specialist Group for Resources Oriented Sanitation

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria.

Paula Paulo_v2.jpeg

Paula Loureiro Paulo

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Brazil.

Cesar Rossas Mota Filho

Cesar Rossas Mota Filho

Science and Technology on Sustainable - STPs/ Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil.

Programme Committee

Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti (chair)

Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES-PR) / Water and Sanitation Company of Paraná State (Sanepar), Brazil


Germán Buitrón Méndez

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico


Florent Chazarenc

French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), France


Guoren Xu

Harbin Institute of Technology, China


Yang Liu

University of Alberta, Canada


Kai Udert

Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Switzerland


Darja Istenic

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia


Girija Ramakrishna

CDD Society, India


Sadhan Kumar Ghosh

Jadavpur University, India


Prithvi Simha

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden


Staffan Filipsson

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden


Abdulmajid Sulaiman

Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria


Kartik Chandran

Columbia University, United States


Gabriel Carranza

University of Louisiana at Lafayette, United States

Goksen Capar

Ankara University, Turkey


Jaime Díaz Gómez

University of Boyacá, Uniboyacá, Colombia


Klaus Ruben Nelting

Ostfalia University, Germany


Luewton Lemos F Agostinho

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands


Jules van Lier

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Raul Muñoz

University of Valladolid, Spain


Ana Soares

Cranfield University, United Kingdom


Carlos Augusto Chernicharo

CR-ETES, Brazil


Lourdinha Florêncio

Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil


André Bezerra dos Santos

Federal University of  Ceará, Brazil


Marcelo Antunes Nolasco

University of São Paulo, Brazil


Stevo Lavrnic

University of  Bologna, Italy


Marcelo Kenji Miki

Water and Sanitation Company of São Paulo State (Sabesp), Brazil


Heike Hoffmann

Rotária do Brasil, Brazil


Karen Juliana do Amaral

Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES-PR) / Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil

Local Scientific Committee

Selma Aparecida Cubas (chair)

President of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and 
Environmental Engineering, Paraná Section (ABES-PR) / Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil


Miguel Mansur Aisse

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil


Tamara Simone van Kaick

Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil


Cristovão Vicente Scapulatempo Fernandes

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil


Maura Harumi Sugai Guerios

Positivo University, Brazil


Fernanda Janaína Oliveira Gomes da Costa

Water and Sanitation Company of Paraná State (Sanepar), Brazil


Aliny Lucia Borges Borba

Water and Sanitation Company of Paraná State (Sanepar), Brazil


Ana Carolina Pires Moreira

Water and Sanitation Company of Paraná State (Sanepar), Brazil


Paulo Roberto Dantas Marangoni

Senai Institute of Innovation in Electrochemistry, Brazil


Alana Cristine Pellanda

Senai Institute of Innovation in Electrochemistry, Brazil

Local Executive Committee

Alceu Guérios Bittencourt (chair)

President of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and 
Environmental Engineering (ABES), Brazil


Selma Aparecida Cubas (chair)

President of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and 
Environmental Engineering, Paraná Section (ABES-PR) / Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil


Luiz Henrique Bucco

South Region Director of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES), Brazil


Maria Lucia Coelho Silva

Treasurer of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and 
Environmental Engineering (ABES), Brazil


Alessandra Péres

Executive Director of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES), Brazil


João Martinho Cleto Reis

Director of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Paraná Section (ABES-PR), Brazil


Karen Juliana do Amaral

Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and 
Environmental Engineering (ABES-PR) / 
Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil

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