Günter Langergraber is Senior Scientist at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU University) with more than 25 years' experience in wastewater and sanitation related research.
Besides his work on treatment wetlands and nature-based solutions, he has been promoting resources-oriented sanitation systems for 20+ years. Günter has been involved in projects related to resources-oriented sanitation in various developing countries (e.g., various African countries and India).
Günter holds a PhD in Civil Engineering and Water Management and as habilitation (professional dissertation) in the field of Sanitary Engineering, both from BOKU University. He is and was active in various positions in the International Water Association (IWA). Since 2023 he is (again) Chair of the IW Specialist Group on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (after a first period as Chair from 2010 to 2016). Günter was one of the key persons behind having joint conferences of the SWWS and ROS SGs (the first joint SWWS and ROS conference was held in 2011).