13th November
08:30 – 09:30
Oral Session XIX, XX and XXI
Click HERE to view the preliminary schedule of ORAL sessions
09:30 – 10:30
Keynote Presentation C
"Water and leadership: transforming people’s lives through inclusion and efficient management"
Keynote Speaker:
Syed Salahuddin Ahmed - Karachi Water & Sewerage Corporation
Patricio Díaz-Romo - Global Water Intelligence

10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:30
Roundtable Discussion D
(this session will lead in Portuguese/Spanish)
"Will we achieve SDG6 targets by 2030? Insights from leaders of water and sewage companies"
Salvador Villarino - Aguas Nuevas, Chile
Alberto Sanchez Aquino - ESSAP
Wilson Bley Lipski - Sanepar
Sidney Marques de Oliveira Junior - Companhia Águas de Joinville
Pablo Bereciartua - Ministry of Infrastructure City of Buenos Aires - Argentina
Roundtable Discussion E
"Converting byproducts into superproducts: creative sludge management methods"
Roundtable Discussion F
"Digital water: the future or an urgent necessity?"
Bruno Ken Marchezepe - Hwater
Marcos Pérez - Ainwater
Bruno Alexandre Abreu Silva - Scubic
12:30 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:00
Oral Session XXII, XXIII and XXIV
Click HERE to view the preliminary schedule of ORAL sessions

15:00 – 16:00
Keynote Presentation D
"Smart and sustainable wastewater treatment solutions for small municipalities: from resource-oriented planning to efficient operation"
Keynote Speaker: Christoph Platzer - Rotaria do Brasil
Moderator: Cesar Rossas Mota Filho - Federal University of Minas Gerais
16:00 – 17:00
Poster Session D
Click HERE to view the preliminary schedule of POSTER sessions
17:00 – 18:00
Oral Session XXV, XXVI and XXVII
Click HERE to view the preliminary schedule of ORAL sessions
19:00 – 22:00
*Gala Dinner is paid separately and is not included in the subscription/participation