Civil Engineer from the University of Santiago, Chile, and MBA from Newcastle University, England. He has over 25 years of experience in the water industry and public works concessions. He is the President of Aguas del Sol, a desalination company serving the mining industry, and the General Manager of Grupo Aguas Nuevas, which includes the companies Aguas Altiplano, Nueva Atacama, Aguas Araucanía, Aguas Magallanes, Aguas Décima, and EnerNuevas.
A firm believer in modern technological advancements, Mr. Salahuddin took on the remarkable challenge of successfully digitizing the entire legal hydrant operations. Under his leadership, KW&SC has benefited from spirited reform managers and innovative strategies to ensure water security for Karachi. He led the operation against the notorious nexus of water and tanker mafia in Karachi, digitized the entire service operations, and developed a hydrant management center. In addition, he has undergone training in Water Secure Cities at the Tokyo Development and Learning Center in Japan and Water Smart Cities at the Singapore Water Center, further enhancing his capabilities in addressing water security challenges.